Tuesday 5 April 2011

Ride of Respect 2011

I have always had a thing about supporting forces personnel who have served their country so when the opportunity to pay my respects and raise some money for the Afghan Heroes charity came along I jumped at it.  It was only made better by the fact that I could combine this with a run on the bike and a get together with my brother.  As expected the biker fraternity turned out in force with approximately 10,000 bikes and a further 3,000 pillion passengers in attendance.  The atmosphere was terrific, the patriotism refreshing and the emotion very genuine.  I admit it bought a tear to my eye and a lump throat riding through the villages surrounding Wootton Bassett, sorry that would be Royal Wootton Bassett.  There were many onlookers clapping and waving flags in support of the ride.  And as for the run through the town centre, well, that nearly finished me off.  Never have I been so grateful for a full face helmet.  Congratulations to all the bikers who took part in this and similar rides around the country.  You are, as I remembered from my younger days, the most genuine and likeable bunch of people I have ever had the privilege to associate with.  Respect to our troops and bikers, true Brits every one.

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