Friday, 7 July 2017

Appropriate Clothing

I'm very wary about writing this following a massive amount of abuse received when the subject has been broached before. However, as I become somewhat of an elder statesman in this pastime of ours I feel an obligation to pass on knowledge.

I have been asked before by what authority or qualification do I make these comments so let's tackle that one right here and now.  My authority comes from my being an old git with a high degree of concern for my fellow man and in particular my fellow bikers.  My qualification is the amount of time I have spent on the roads on two and four wheels, the number of accidents I have been witness too and the number of friends I have lost. My concern is genuine and I have your best interest at heart. You don't have to like it, you don't have to follow it but you ignore me at your peril and in the full knowledge of the consequences.

This is all prompted by one of the worst case of stupidity I have ever seen from a biker. Yesterday as I drove from Harrogate back to my home in Hampshire I saw a young biker on a sports bike on the M1 motorway wearing nothing more than helmet, shorts and trainers. The temperature was around 32 degrees Celsius so I can understand the motivation but seriously, we were on a road with multiple road works taking place so there was gravel being thrown up and the road surface was less than perfect. My blood ran cold.

If you understand the point I'm trying to make then no explanation is necessary. If you don't get it then no explanation will be sufficient.

Let me leave you with this thought.

Flesh erodes at 10mm per metre as you slide down the road.

If you going to dress in this manner please do somewhere I'm not. If I never see another accident it'll be too soon and I never want to see another dead biker. Wear proper kit and tilt the odds in your favour as far as you can.

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