Sunday, 17 January 2016

Riding with a pillion

I suppose it's a bit bizarre really, motorcycling is a fairly insular activity after all, but I do enjoy riding with a pillion. I can't say I'm one for partying much anymore preferring my own company and a bit of peace and quiet. At best the company of a few good friends rather than a crowd of people I barely know. That's the trouble with getting a bit older, you learn the difference between friends and acquaintances. I've reached that point of realising that real friends are few and far between, I treasure their company and can't be bothered with the others. So you would have thought riding alone would have been perfect for me. No, the gods have played a trick on me, I'm never happier than when I have my wife sat on the back.  That's not to say I don't enjoy riding alone, I do, it's just that its so much better having somebody I care for to share the experience with.

The%20PillionThe bike is fitted out with an intercom so we could chat away but strangely we don't. Indeed there are days when I think she has fallen asleep there's so little going on. The truth is we're both just enjoying the experience as if we were riding alone. I'm a lucky man really, we're very close anyway but even better we share the same love of motorbikes and motorsports. Sharing 'the ride' is almost spiritual, we get to see wonderful places in a way so few people do these days using a method of transport we both love. It's special and it's just for us.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a hermit or especially antisocial. As you can see from older posts I'm more than happy at large gatherings like The Ride To The Wall, but that's different. That's a bunch of like minded bikers gathered together by a common cause, it's a brotherhood thing and really quite special. Riding with my pillion is personal, selfish if you like. I'm sharing an experience that is special for me with somebody who is special to me. It just seems so right.

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